Monday 8 June 2015

UJ_Unit2_P5_Part 2 // Designing Supports/Base Buildings

Part 2 of Project 5 calls for us to individually design and technically resolve Supports/ Base buildings within the Urban Tissue/ Framework proposed by Unit 2 in Part 1. These supports must respond to the Groups Tissue model/Framework and the informal settlement site of Denver. 

What is a Base Building?

"A BASE BUILDING is architecture with capacity – capacity to be inhabited by different people who can decide how they want to use and lay out their space in the building. BASE BUILDINGS combine stability and change." 
A BASE BUILDING is a constant and, in multi-family buildings, is what all occupants share. This is a very important task for an architect. What they design has to be sustainable (energy effective), adaptable and lovable all at the same time. Not a passing whim of fancy design in style at the time, but something enduring. Timeless." - Prof. Stephen Kendall
Each of us will be designing a base buildings of 1 of  2 prescribed typologies: Row Houses and 4 Storey walk ups. I will be designing a base building of the walk up typology. 
Probable Layout to guide the Design Process

Things for consideration?

Given the context of Denver, and the lessons learnt during the 2 week intensive with Prof. Stephen Kendall, these are questions that one considers:
  • Which elements of the building/ Support is "permanent", and which parts are "changeable"?
  • What is shared?
  • Which parts of the building are the individual users' responsibility?
  • The relations between the Support and the Tissue plan?
  • What "capacity" will the building provide?
  • Who are the (possible) inhabitants?

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