Monday 21 September 2015

Pecha Kutcha Slides with Phil Astley

Below are a series of slides from a Pecha Kutcha presentation prepared during Phil Astleys visit. The idea was to present our individual projects, taking what we had learnt during the week with Phil Astley, in 3 minutes using a maximum of 10 slides. 

The captions are the notes from the verbal part. 
This project looks to interrogate the impact of spatial design, at an architectural scale, on the societal realities of a context. This is drawn from an understanding of the built environment as being a complex system ordered by the 3 principles of built form, space/ territory, as well as  the social/ culture. The context considered for this project is the historically rich, socially complex neighborhood of Fietas, west of the Johannesburg CBD. 
In close proximity to the inner-city, "Fietas" is the informal name for a small residential area made up of 2 small neighborhoods: Pageview and Vrededorp . Although having a rich history and diverse subcultures, Fietas faces various social ills related to crime and substance abuse. These conditions trace their roots back to the demolitions that took place in the area under the forced removals of the Apartheid group areas act in the 1970's.
The demolitions that took place left the neighborhood fragmented, both spatially and socially. 
With the intent to interrogate the social conditions of Fietas, I looked at immersing myself in the site as a tool to further understand the environment. As a point of entry into the sight, and to understand the community of Fietas better, the Jan Hofmeyer Community center became a way of entry into understanding the various actors in the site.
The community center provides a soup kitchen serving the local residents of "Fietas." They see their roles as being to effect change within the community. 
The community center happens to lie on 8th Street, a major route through Fietas. This also happens to be a part of  the Corridors of Freedom Development of the City of Johannesburg. Adjacent to the center are also 2 "empty" sites left over following the demolitions which took place. As traces of a part of the history of Fietas, as well as because of their relation to a nodal 8th Street intersection, the various activities around the site, as well as the proposed framework for development by the city, these 2 gaps are considered as potential sites. 
The corridors of Freedom development is a part of the spatial development vision from the City of Johannesburg looking to reconnect the inner city to various distant neighborhoods around Johannesburg (previously segregated due to apartheid planning.) The major focus is through transit oriented developments and mixed use nodes along the various routes. 

Further exploring the site and its surrounding activities. Surrounding conditions include the Briton cemetery, housing, and existing public transport & other movement activities. Opportunity exists to consider the Corridors of Freedom Development as a starting point to implementing a more contextually relevant, and socially transformative, architectural intervention.

In relation to the site and the community center, various agents and networks emerge. Through the process of engagement with the community center, and the various residents they serve, drugs and substance abuse seem to stand out as a prevalent issue within Fietas. 
At this stage, I begin to consider what exactly  "transformation" would mean, and more importantly, what it would mean relative to Fietas. At this initial phase, the idea of a transformation "matrix" begins to emerge. This is in realizing that the idea of transformation or change, though having various related meanings, has degrees of impact, from the individual, to the city. 
From what we have learnt through the week with Phil Astley, I have started to consider what the key "drivers for change" would be in Fietas. Responding to substance abuse and providing support for the community service structures are among the highest drivers.

The idea of a craft school for an initial program is with the intent to respond to the substance abuse conditions through providing an environment that can contribute towards rehabilitation as well as empowering residents/ users through education and trade. The hope is that the craft school, through its various factors, could also prevent drug use through providing an alternative.**

Reflections from the exercise

Being forced to put together the presentation in the short time really pushed me to get do get down to the core points of the project

Although it has been a great help in making progress, I would say that  in the short duration of the presentation, I didn't get across all the major points of the themes I am dealing with. 

Summing up the core themes of the  project, especially as they continue to develop, is vital as the process continues. 

I'm looking to go back to considering the Drivers for Change as well as the scenario planning exercise again. I trust that this will continue to build ones process, in light of more findings, and further refining the themes addressed. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

    An Thái Sơn chia sẻ trẻ sơ sinh nằm nôi điện có tốt không hay võng điện có tốt không và giải đáp cục điện đưa võng giá bao nhiêu cũng như mua máy đưa võng ở tphcm địa chỉ ở đâu uy tín.
