Wednesday 21 October 2015

A starting point. Levels of intervention and healing

The socio-spatial wounds of Fietas may be viewed as existing at varying scales. Thus opportunity exists to intervening at different scales. 

Intervening at varying scales may be considered as a multi-level treatment to the spatial woundedness. Through considering the built environment in terms of levels, as well noting the various agents that are active on those levels enables one to also place oneself in the relevant position to intervene. 

While the city of Johannesburg has an overall vision for the city, setting the guidelines (such as the corridors of freedom development) for the levels below, for the sake of this project, the delimitation of intervention are within the neighbourhood scale of Pageview and Vrededorp.

 A starting point

The public realm, the shared spaces of the neighborhood of Fietas is the starting point for intervention in healing the socio-spatial wounds. This refers to the shared spaces at a neighbourhood scale. 

Whilst being on major routes to and through the city, the neighbourhood is not programattically benefiting from that proximity. These are factors are all seen as opportunities in seeking to design towards a sens of spatial balance and well-being, healing the spatial wounds of the neighborhood. 

The demolished sites that remain also hold potential in being redeveloped and offer opportunities for new spatial and programmatic interventions relevant to the context. These also hold opportunities to capture and spatially represent the rich history of the neighbourhood.  

Neighborhood Framework

In considering the notion of “comprehensive” treatment, a multi-layered approach is adopted in the proposals at an urban scale.

Among these layers include the first stages of development taking place within the major routes of Fietas (8th, 14th and 17th street moving from East and West,, as well as Krause, De-la-rey and Solomon Street from North and South). These major routes frame smaller “sub-neighbourhoods” within Fietas which all bear a unique and distinct character, while also serving as linkages.

Developments meeting at an intersection provide opportunity for mixed use developments, The intersection on 8th Street and Krause street is where one finds opportunity for intervention.

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